Sample Database on the Web
Web Database Concept
How We Work Together
Sample Access Database
Do you have an idea for a Microsoft Access database?
Or are you someone who would like to learn more about it?
If so, perhaps I can help...
Hi! I'm a freelance database developer.
And here is a
sample Microsoft Access invoices database
which you may download and use for free with no warranties.
This sample invoices database gives you a general "look and feel" of how I often develop.
Sample Microsoft Access Invoices Database
(invoice.accdb zipped to approx. 0.4 MB)
Click to Download
One interesting feature is that the invoices dialog has a
dependent combo box
which only shows invoices based on what was chosen in the rep and customer combo boxes just above it.
Also the Microsoft Access database uses the
query by form concept
so that on the invoices dialog one can optionally choose a rep, a customer, and perhaps a date range, click on a button that says "Input," and then have the invoice form open up showing all the invoices that match the criteria.
A warning box appears if the user tries to open the form when
no records match the criteria
on the invoices dialog.
Within the invoice detail section, one can choose the product number from a combo box and then the product description and price are
automatically placed
onto the invoice detail line and the totals are recalculated.
Of course a
more customized version
for you might be split into a frontend and backend, and possibly have more features such as product categories, several shipping addresses for each customer, additional reports such as showing production by each rep, and/or a help file.
And by the way often I can put together some of your ideas with
no obligation
and e-mail you an .mde file which is the same as an .mdb file except that design mode is removed from everything but tables, queries, and macros.
And if you like it you can pay me at $35/hour via PayPal or check and then I can send you the .mdb file.
So feel free to
e-mail me
some instructions. And if you also optionally want to send over anything such as the start of a Microsoft Access database, an Excel file, and/or a logo file that would be fine too but not necessarily needed. And of course I will keep whatever you send me in confidence.
And if you do, perhaps you could let me know a little about yourself and your company too.
And for details about putting a database on the Web,
click here!
J. Paul Schmidt, MBA
Web & DB Developer
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J. Paul Schmidt, MBA
Freelance Web and Database Developer
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